Group 14928

This Is a Header

You can pair this subtext with either a video or an image. By toggling on the "Right" option in the settings, the visual will move to the right and the text will move to the left.

Create a cool back-and-forth effect by adding several rows and alternating which side the image appears on.

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July's HubSpot Updates: Top 13 Features You Need to Know

July was a big month for updates: HubSpot introduced tons of new features and improvements. We’ve sifted through them to bring you the 13 that will have the biggest impact for managers and ...
Picture of Karin Tamir Karin Tamir 20 Min Read
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HubSpot vs. Zoho: A Comprehensive Comparison

HubSpot vs. Zoho: A Comprehensive Comparison When it comes to streamlining your business operations and managing customer relationships, HubSpot and Zoho are two big names that often come up. Both ...
Picture of Karin Tamir Karin Tamir 22 Min Read
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HubSpot Implementation Guide to Scale Your Business

Implementing HubSpot can transform how you manage your marketing, sales, and customer service efforts. However, to fully leverage its capabilities, you need a structured approach. This guide will ...
Picture of Karin Tamir Karin Tamir 19 Min Read
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