Glare Blog

How to Leverage HubSpot AI to Scale Up Your Content Creation

Written by Karin Tamir | Jul 20, 2024 7:27:48 AM

In April 2024, HubSpot launched the Content Hub, an all-in-one, AI-powered content marketing platform designed to streamline content creation and management. This tool provides personalized content experiences for every step of the customer journey, all from one central platform.

In this post, you'll learn how to leverage HubSpot AI to enhance your content creation efforts, covering its benefits, features, and pricing.  HubSpot's AI-powered Content Remix tool exemplifies this transformation.

Let's dive in!

Enhancing Consistency of Content Across Channels with AI Brand Voice Tools

HubSpot’s recently announced Remix tool allows marketers to repurpose existing content into various formats quickly, such as turning a blog post into social media snippets, videos, or podcast episodes. These AI tools help marketers cater to diverse audience preferences, keeping content fresh, relevant, and engaging.

In addition to the Content Remix tool, HubSpot now offers an enhanced brand kit resource that improves AI content generation to more closely match your business's desired brand voice.

Benefits of the AI Brand Voice

  • Create Original Content at Scale: With AI Brand Voice enabled, your content will be unique to your business's tone and style so you can produce content that sounds more natural for your business quickly.
  • Streamline AI Content Review: Having content that already aligns with your brand voice on generation streamlines the editing process, allowing you to produce more content faster.
  • Unify Your Voice Across Multiple Channels: Ensure that all of your communications from your sales, service, and marketing teams follow the same tone to create a smoother customer experience. Make every email, blog post, social post, and SMS message sound like it came from the same organization.


Enhancing Content Consumption through AI Narration

Content consumption is evolving rapidly—just think about the latest audiobook or podcast you listened to. As our days fill up and our attention spans stretch thin, more people turn to audio formats that let them multitask and absorb information on-the-go. HubSpot’s Content Hub Enterprise is at the forefront of this shift, offering an innovative AI narration feature that breathes life into written content by transforming it into engaging audio.

Effective Strategies to Maximize AI Narration

  • Make It Stand Out: Put the AI narration module somewhere it will stand out on your webpage so that listeners can easily find it and click on it.

  • Clean Up the Text: Review the text and clean up any instances of words or phrases that the AI narrator would likely struggle to say, such as random letter strings left as examples.

  • Listen Before Posting: Verify that the AI narration is working as intended by listening to it before posting.

  • Update After Edits: If you edit a post after generating the narration, click on the "Reset to post body" option just above the text editor to update the text used to what is currently on the page.

Generating Custom Images with AI for Brand Consistency

Visual content is a cornerstone of effective digital marketing, but creating unique, brand-aligned images can be a resource-intensive task. HubSpot's Content Hub Enterprise introduces an AI image generator tool that alleviates this challenge.

Tips for Using the Content Hub AI Generator

  1. Review AI-Generated Images
    • Action: Before publishing, thoroughly review AI-generated images to correct any inaccuracies in human shapes or text errors.

    • Benefit: This ensures high-quality visuals that are both professional and accurate, enhancing your content's appeal and credibility.
  1. Experiment with Prompts
    • Action: Test different prompts with varying levels of detail and specific color palettes to achieve optimal results with HubSpot's AI image generation.

    • Benefit: Discover the best visual style that resonates with your audience, which can significantly enhance engagement and visual appeal.
  1. Try Different Art Styles
    • Action: Explore the various art styles offered by HubSpot, each allowing unique modifications to the final image.

    • Benefit: This flexibility allows you to tailor visuals to suit different content tones or themes, maintaining consistency and enhancing your brand identity.
  1. Retry with Modified Prompts
    • Action: If the initial results are not ideal, adjust the prompts and settings to quickly generate new images.

    • Benefit: This approach saves time and resources, enabling swift iterations to achieve the desired visual outcome.
  1. Use Landscape Orientation
    • Action: Opt for "landscape" orientation when creating featured images for blogs or websites to ensure compatibility with hero banner styles.

    • Benefit: This improves visual integration and aesthetic appeal on web pages, enhancing the user experience and boosting engagement.

Expanding Global Reach with AI-Powered Language Translation

In our increasingly globalized world, the ability to communicate with a diverse, multilingual audience is invaluable. HubSpot's Content Hub Enterprise harnesses AI-powered language translation tools to help businesses effortlessly create multilingual content.

Tips for Using AI Translation

  • Complement with Human Expertise: While AI translation is a powerful tool for broadening your audience, it's essential to ensure cultural and linguistic accuracy by complementing it with human expertise.

How Content Hub Complements Marketing Hub

Seamless Integration

HubSpot’s Content Hub and Marketing Hub integrate seamlessly, enabling quick transitions from content creation to campaign execution without manual transfers. This efficiency not only ensures consistent messaging across all channels but also saves significant time, relieving you from the burden of repetitive tasks and allowing you to focus on more strategic aspects of your marketing efforts.

Content Optimization

The Content Hub, as a Marketing Hub companion, provides suggestions and insights on how to improve content for higher engagement and conversions, allowing marketers to adjust their strategies based on real-time feedback. This level of content optimization ensures that all marketing materials are not only attractive and compelling but also strategically designed to drive traffic and lead conversion.

Unified Analytics

Unified analytics across both Hubs provide insights into content performance from creation to conversion. This allows marketers to make data-driven adjustments, optimizing both strategy and ROI, ensuring decisions are informed and strategically sound. For example, marketers can see how a specific blog post contributed to lead generation in an email campaign and then adjust their strategy based on what content types or topics are most effective. By analyzing the integrated data, marketers can identify trends, patterns, and areas of improvement, ensuring that every marketing decision is informed and strategic.


HubSpot's Content Hub is a game-changer for businesses looking to elevate their content marketing strategies. By integrating powerful AI tools, streamlining content creation and management processes, and offering seamless integration with Marketing Hub, HubSpot has created a comprehensive solution that addresses the evolving needs of modern marketers.

Ready to take your content marketing to the next level? Partner with Glare Marketing to leverage HubSpot's Content Hub and transform your marketing efforts. Our team of experts will help you harness the full potential of this powerful platform, ensuring your content reaches its maximum impact.