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HubSpot's December 2023 Updates: A Game Changer for Marketing, Sales, and Customer Engagement

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HubSpot's December 2023 Updates: A Game Changer for Marketing, Sales, and Customer Engagement

The December 2023 updates from HubSpot bring a remarkable blend of innovation and practicality to the table. These updates offer businesses the chance to embrace cutting-edge tools and solutions that are reshaping the landscape of marketing, sales, and customer engagement. In this article, we will delve into the key features and improvements that HubSpot has rolled out, revolutionizing the way teams operate and achieve their business objectives.

Enhanced Personalization with Customized Reminder Emails

What’s new: HubSpot now enables users to customize automated reminder emails for meetings scheduled through its platform, providing a more tailored and personal approach.

How it helps you: This update significantly enhances meeting preparedness and efficiency. Customized reminders ensure that attendees receive all the necessary information beforehand, reducing the need for manual follow-ups. Imagine sending reminders that genuinely sound like they’re from you, adding a personal touch to critical meetings such as discussions with referral partners or investors. This feature not only streamlines communication but also strengthens professional relationships by making interactions more engaging and personable. Learn more.

  • Status: Public Beta
  • Applicable HubSpot Hubs: Sales and Service Hubs
  • Applicable HubSpot Tiers: Starter, Professional, Enterprise


Simplified Reporting with AI Assistance

What’s new: HubSpot has introduced AI-driven report generation, enabling quick and easy creation of reports with simple prompts.

How it helps you: This feature is a boon for managers seeking swift, efficient answers to crucial business queries. With AI assistance, the complexity and time traditionally associated with report creation are significantly reduced.

Managers can now swiftly generate single-object reports, gaining insights without needing an in-depth understanding of the reporting tool. While this AI feature is still in beta and best used for straightforward insights, it accelerates the reporting process. For accuracy and complex reports, collaboration with an admin is recommended, but even this collaboration becomes more efficient with AI’s foundational work.

  • Status: Public Beta
  • Applicable HubSpot Hubs: All Hubs
  • Applicable HubSpot Tiers: Professional and Enterprise

Deeper Insights with New Custom Funnel Report Builder

What’s new: HubSpot has introduced an advanced custom funnel report builder, featuring optional stages and company lifecycle stage support, enhancing data analysis flexibility.

How it helps you: This update is particularly beneficial for account-based marketing (ABM) strategies. You can now track how contacts and companies progress through the funnel, even if they skip certain stages. This flexibility provides a more accurate and comprehensive view of your sales and marketing efforts. The addition of company lifecycle stages is especially useful, offering deeper insights into company-level interactions and conversions. Overall, this feature simplifies the process of monitoring and analyzing funnel performance, making it easier for managers to identify trends, pinpoint bottlenecks, and make informed decisions. Click here to learn how to build such a report.

  • Status: Public Beta
  • Applicable HubSpot Hubs: All Hubs
  • Applicable HubSpot Tiers: Professional and Enterprise

More Effective Engagement with Sent-From-Owner Automated Sequences

What’s new: HubSpot now enables users to automatically select the contact owner as the email sender and user responsible for tasks in automatically-enrolled sequences.

How it helps you: This update streamlines the efforts of sales and service teams in engaging leads and customers through sequences with less effort. Sequences that are automatically started via workflows can now easily send emails from and assign tasks to the user that owns the contact record, ensuring that leads and prospects are hearing from people who have or are building a relationship with them.

  • Status: Live
  • Applicable HubSpot Hubs: Sales and Service Hubs
  • Applicable HubSpot Tiers: Professional and Enterprise

Quick Record Summaries with ChatSpot AI

What’s new: HubSpot introduces CRM record summaries for contacts, companies, deals, and tickets, using ChatSpot AI to highlight top properties and activities.

How it helps you: This feature provides a snapshot view of a customer or prospect, eliminating the need to sift through extensive data on each record. Instead, you get a concise summary that includes key details at a glance, from recent emails to upcoming tasks.

  • Status: Live
  • Applicable HubSpot Hubs: All Hubs
  • Applicable HubSpot Tiers: All Tiers

Company AI summary HubSpot

Track Brand Engagement with LinkedIn @mention Monitoring

What’s new: HubSpot introduces monitoring of LinkedIn @mentions for company pages, enabling easy tracking and engagement with audience comments and posts.

How it helps you: This update allows you to quickly spot any LinkedIn mentions of your company, offering insights into public perception and audience interaction. It’s perfect for fostering deeper relationships with followers and promptly addressing any negative feedback. Your team can engage more effectively with these mentions, helping to win new customers and grow revenue in the fast-paced world of social media.

  • Status: Public Beta
  • Applicable HubSpot Hubs: Marketing Hub
  • Applicable HubSpot Tiers: Professional and Enterprise

Streamline Ecommerce with New Shopify Integration

What’s new: HubSpot introduces a new Shopify integration in its App Marketplace, featuring two-way sync for contacts and products and one-way sync for orders and carts.

How it helps you: If you’re overseeing ecommerce operations, this update simplifies the process of utilizing Shopify data within HubSpot. Creating targeted marketing campaigns and insightful reports based on order and cart data is now more straightforward and efficient. The integration allows for timely and effective communication strategies, like abandoned cart emails, directly within HubSpot. This means more insights, streamlined workflows, and potentially increased sales, all from a single tool. Click here to learn how to integrate HubSpot and Shopify.

  • Status: Live
  • Available to any HubSpot user, but if you already have the existing Shopify integration, it is recommended that you wait until HubSpot announces a migration solution to avoid creating large amounts of duplicate data.

Quick Insights with AI Assistant Call Summaries

What’s new: HubSpot’s new feature generates concise summaries of transcribed calls, making it easier to grasp key points quickly.

How it helps you: This feature eliminates the need to go through lengthy transcripts or listen to entire recordings. Sales managers can quickly see call outcomes without the hassle, and reps can focus more on selling. It also reduces reliance on external AI tools, keeping everything streamlined within HubSpot.

  • Status: Live
  • Applicable HubSpot Hubs: Sales and Service Hubs
  • Applicable HubSpot Tiers: Professional and Enterprise

Increase Compliant Website Behavior Analytics with New Opt-Out Cookie Consent Banner

What’s new: HubSpot introduces an opt-out cookie consent banner editor, offering a new way for visitors to manage their privacy while providing you with website behavior data for more visitors.

How it helps you: This feature allows you to gather more insights on website interactions in regions with less stringent data privacy laws than GDPR, without compromising user consent. It’s a win-win: You get valuable data, and your visitors still have an easy opt-out option. However, it’s advisable to discuss with your legal team or lawyer to ensure compliance in various countries.

  • Status: Live
  • Applicable HubSpot Hubs: All Hubs
  • Applicable HubSpot Tiers: All Tiers

Support Ending for HubSpot’s VSTO Sales Add-In

What’s new: HubSpot is phasing out its VSTO Sales Add-In in response to Microsoft Outlook’s move away from supporting VSTO add-insin its latest version.

Why it matters to you: If your organization uses Microsoft Outlook, discussing this change with your IT team and/or HubSpot administrator is crucial to ensure a smooth transition. The web add-in works in both the browser and desktop versions of Outlook and provides virtually the same functionality as the VSTO version, making the change seamless.