Glare Blog

25 Essential Tips to Unleash HubSpot's Full Potential

Written by Karin Tamir | Jul 26, 2023 9:00:00 PM

It’s 2023 and we can safely say that a powerful CRM isn’t a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have. That’s where HubSpot comes in, the platform is packed with tools to level up your inbound marketing game.

But let’s be honest, it can be a bit of a beast to tame. Whether you’re dipping your toes in the HubSpot pool for the first time or you’re looking to go from HubSpot user to HubSpot expert, knowing the best practices can seriously level up your results.

Getting your head around HubSpot can be a bit like learning a new language. There’s everything from email marketing jargon to CRM integration acronyms to the art of crafting smart content. It’s a whole lot of features to navigate. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back! We’ve lined up a handy list of 25 key HubSpot best practices. These are the top tips and tricks that have helped a ton of businesses shift their HubSpot use into high gear. Let’s dive in!

Embrace Full-Team Onboarding: Ensuring every team member understands HubSpot’s capabilities is crucial for maximizing its use. Implement thorough training for each department, covering features they’ll use, to foster adoption and smooth workflows.

Create Authentic Emails: Authenticity builds trust and engagement. Personalize your emails with HubSpot’s dynamic content feature, and segment your audience to target specific groups, ensuring relevance.

Master the HubSpot CRM: Knowing how to navigate the CRM is fundamental to managing customer relationships effectively. Use HubSpot’s training resources, specifically the HubSpot academy to familiarize your team with its functions.

Leverage Built-in Analytics: Analytics provide actionable insights into your strategies. Regularly review HubSpot’s analytics reports to understand campaign performance and refine tactics.

Synchronize Marketing Automation with CRM: By connecting your CRM and marketing automation, you can track the customer journey from the first touchpoint to the sale. Implement this by setting up integrations between the two within HubSpot.

Collaborate with a HubSpot Agency: If you lack in-house HubSpot expertise, consider hiring an agency such as Glare Marketing. As HubSpot Platinum Partners, we provide expert guidance, setup, and ongoing management to maximize ROI.

Glare delivers a complete suite of services to help you target leads and nurture and grow your pipeline while continuously optimizing results. Services include marketing and sales systems integration, HubSpot onboarding, workshops, and ongoing Hubspot support.

Use Progressive Profiling: This feature presents new form fields to visitors each time they interact with your site, providing fresh insights without overwhelming them. Enable this feature in HubSpot form settings.

Prioritize Lead Scoring: Lead scoring helps your sales team focus on hot leads. Set up scoring rules in HubSpot based on interaction data to rank leads effectively.

Design Lead Flows: Lead flows capture visitor information through pop-up forms. Design these in HubSpot to ask the right questions at the right time, enhancing conversion rates.

Implement Branching Logic in Forms: This feature personalizes your forms based on a user’s previous responses, creating a tailored experience. Implement this in your HubSpot form settings.

Establish Task Queues: Automate your sales process with task queues. Arrange tasks in priority order in HubSpot to streamline your team’s workflow.

Develop Navigation-Free Landing Pages: Navigation-free landing pages eliminate distractions and keep the focus on your call-to-action. Use HubSpot’s landing page builder to create these.

Consolidate Customer Accounts: Having one account per customer simplifies tracking and communication. Manage this in the HubSpot CRM by merging duplicate accounts.

Design Intelligent CTAs: Smart CTAs adapt to the user’s journey stage or demographic. Use HubSpot’s CTA tool to create personalized prompts that increase engagement.

Implement SEO Recommendations: HubSpot’s SEO tool provides actionable suggestions to improve your site’s search ranking. Regularly review and implement these recommendations to increase visibility.

Use the Marketing Campaign Tool: This tool provides an overview of campaign performance across channels. Utilize this in HubSpot to ensure all your marketing efforts are aligned and performing well.

Automate with Workflows: Workflows can automate marketing, sales, or service processes. Set up workflows in HubSpot to automate tasks like email follow-ups or data management. To elaborate on the importance of workflows here are some of the benefits it provides for your business.

  • Save time: Automating workflows can save you a lot of time. You can set up workflows to run automatically, without any human intervention. This can free up your time so that you can focus on other tasks.
  • Improve efficiency: Automating workflows can help you to improve your efficiency. When you automate a task, you can be sure that it will be done correctly and on time. This can help you to avoid errors and improve your overall productivity.
  • Reduce costs: Automating workflows can help you to reduce costs. When you automate a task, you don’t need to hire someone to do it manually. This can save you money on labor costs.
  • Improve accuracy: Automating workflows can help you to improve your accuracy. When you automate a task, you can be sure that it will be done correctly and on time. This can help you to avoid errors and improve your overall productivity.
  • Improve customer satisfaction: Automating workflows can help you to improve customer satisfaction. When you automate tasks, you can provide better customer service. This can help you to keep your customers happy and loyal.

Learn from the HubSpot Academy: The HubSpot Academy provides a wealth of learning resources that are relevant to general marketing, sales, and services lessons. These courses can help your team stay up-to-date with HubSpot’s features and best practices, which can lead to improved results in all areas of your business.

For example, the Marketing Hub course covers topics such as inbound marketing, content marketing, and email marketing. The Sales Hub course covers topics such as lead generation, lead nurturing, and sales closing. The Service Hub course covers topics such as customer service, customer support, and customer success.

Encouraging your team to take these courses can help them learn new skills, improve their knowledge of HubSpot, and ultimately help your business grow.

Engage Social Conversations: Use HubSpot’s social media tools to monitor and respond to social conversations. This helps build relationships with your audience and gain insights into their needs and opinions.

Keep Up with HubSpot Updates: HubSpot is constantly adding new features and improvements to its platform. To stay informed about these changes, users can monitor the HubSpot product updates page and blog. The product updates page lists all of the latest changes to the platform, while the blog provides more in-depth information about specific features and improvements. By staying up-to-date on these changes, users can ensure that they are getting the most out of HubSpot.

Target Buyer Personas in Forms: Capture persona-specific information in your forms to refine your marketing strategies. Customize your forms in HubSpot with fields that gather persona data.

Build Strong Landing Pages: Effective landing pages drive conversions. Use HubSpot’s landing page builder to create pages with clear, compelling copy and strong calls-to-action.

Use Smart Content: Smart content adapts to viewers’ behaviors, making your website more engaging. Implement this in HubSpot by setting rules in your content settings.

Schedule with HubSpot Meeting Tools: Streamline scheduling by connecting your calendar with HubSpot Meetings. Share your link with prospects to allow them to book time with you directly.

Leverage HubSpot’s AI Content Assistant: HubSpot’s writing assistant is a powerful tool that opens up a world of possibilities for content creation and marketing endeavors.

Let’s take a closer look at the fantastic things you can achieve with this exceptional tool:

  • Crafting Captivating Marketing Emails – With HubSpot’s writing assistant, composing marketing emails has never been easier. You can effortlessly draft attention-grabbing messages, like a compelling email offering an exciting 10% discount on your top-notch design services. Watch your conversion rates soar as you engage your audience with persuasive content.
  • Creating Social Media Magic – Expressing your brand’s personality on social media becomes a breeze with the help of HubSpot’s writing assistant. Craft fun and engaging Instagram posts filled with relevant hashtags and quirky emojis, enticing your followers to explore thrilling rafting destinations. Your social media presence will shine brighter than ever before!
  • Mastering Prospecting Emails – Impress potential clients with well-crafted prospecting emails that showcase your sales automation software. HubSpot’s writing assistant ensures your message is clear, concise, and convincing, helping you open doors to new business opportunities.
  • Igniting Blogging Inspiration – Running out of blog ideas will be a thing of the past as HubSpot’s writing assistant sparks creativity. Generate an inspiring list of blog topics tailored to web design studios, attracting readers and establishing your expertise in the industry.
  • Unleashing the Power of CTAs – Make your calls-to-action (CTAs) irresistibly compelling with HubSpot’s writing assistant. Whether it’s a webinar on UX design trends or any other event, your CTAs will captivate the audience, driving higher sign-ups and engagement.
  • Crafting Persuasive Paragraphs – When it comes to explaining the benefits of a 401(k) plan, precision matters. HubSpot’s writing assistant helps you create persuasive paragraphs that highlight the advantages of this retirement plan, ensuring your audience is informed and engaged.

Understanding and implementing these HubSpot best practices will not only boost your marketing efforts but also save your time, make your team more efficient, and deliver a more personalized experience to your audience. However, remember that every business is unique. While these practices are widely applicable, it’s crucial to adapt and adjust them to your specific needs and circumstances.

In conclusion, HubSpot is an extremely powerful marketing software, but its true potential lies in its proper application. By taking full advantage of the strategies outlined above, you can ensure you’re making the most of this platform. Whether you’ve just started your HubSpot journey or you’re looking to refine your use, these best practices will serve as a roadmap to success. Happy HubSpotting!